... a Black Forest of Metalcore on CACOPHONY.
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week the Lost Messiah features a round up of recent Black Metal after
getting a package in the post and we finish up where I left off last
time with an hour of Hard/Metal/Grind Core.
Featuring this time
on CACOPHONY are Amenra, Milking the Goat Machine, Malevolence, Come
Back Kid, Agathodaimon, Ibaraki, Dark Woods My Betrothed, Thulcandra and
feature band Forest Nocturne.
Forest Nocturne [Australia] [Black] - Scientia Potentia Est [2022]
Nocturnal Playlist
Thulcandra - Nocturnal Heresy
Sojourner [NZ] - Perennial
* Forest Nocturne - The Heretic
* Forest Nocturne - The Quintessence and Creation
* Forest Nocturne - Scum of the Earth
* Forest Nocturne - Reforming the Age of Impurity
Abyss Crawler [NZ] - Desolate Horizons
Dark Woods My Betrothed - Black Fog and Poison Wind
Mire Stench - Eye Of Scorn
Ibaraki - Akumu [feat. Nergal]
Christless [NZ] - Of the Moon they Killed]
Agathodaimon - Ain't Death Grand
Diurnal Playlist
Through The Noise - Aktaion
3000AD [NZ] - Cells
* Comeback Kid - No Easy Way Out
* Comeback Kid - Shadow Of Doubt
Setyoursails - Ghosts (feat. Rudi Schwarzer)
Fuelset [NZ] - Forgive. Obey.
* Malevolence - Life Sentence
* Malevolence - Karma
Fit For An Autopsy - Far From Heaven
Blindfolded And Led To The Woods [NZ] - Abigail Is Dead
* Milking The Goat Machine - Kackeball
* Milking The Goat Machine - Rettet den Wald
The Disciples Of Zoldon [NZ] - The Disciples Of Zoldon
* Amenra - Ogentroost
* Amenra - De Evenmens
Gigs [All Gigs TBC]
July 22nd @ 12 Bar – Organectomy 'Nail Below Nail' album release.
Support from Utlize the Remain, Depths and Treachery. Tickets $25 from
Cosmic Ticketing.
Sat Jul 30th @ 12 Bar - Tuscoma “Gu-Chi” album release. Tix $10 at Cosmic Ticketing.
August 5th @ 12 Bar – Distance, Everything in Exchange for Nothing
album release, with Elidi and Via Kaleidescope. Tickets $10+BF from
Cosmic Ticketing
Saturday Aug 6th @ Darkroom – The Bleeders with Nervous Jerk. Tickets $30 from UTR
Saturday August 6th @ 12 Bar – Treachery, Echoes release show, with Full Bloom, No Life, and Utterance. Tickets $15+BF from UTR
Aug12th @ Dux Central – Pulvinar, Excessive Suffering EP Release, with
support from Anti-Stasi, Bloody Hell, and Abhor. $10 on the door.
Aug 20th @ 12 Bar – Winterfest MMXXII, featuring Men AN Tol,
Jormungandor, Methchrist, Altars of Achlys, Bloody Hell, and Abhor.
Tickets $15 +BF from Cosmic Ticketing
September 3rd @ The Embankment – Doom and Glood, featuring Methchrist,
Abyss Crawler, Men An Tol, Abhor, Borer, and Mt Unzen. $20 on the door.
Saturday September 17th @ 12 Bar – Sasquatch (USA) with Pieces of Molly. Early Bird Tickets $25 +BF from UTR
Oct 15th @ Valhalla (WGTN) and Sunday the 16th @ Whammy (AKL) – Vader
Fest, with Vader, Thy Disease, and special international guests TBA.
Tickets $64 +BF from UTR
Sat 22nd Oct @ The Good Home (Ferrymead, Christchurch) Blindspott “Volumes Tour” with Written by Wolves.
Wednesday Nov 23rd @ 12 Bar – Skeletal Remains (USA) Tickets $35 at UTR
Wednesday February 22 – The Exploited (Details TBC)
eMail requests2022(at)cacophony.co.nz
sMail CACOPHONY, POBox33044, Barrington, Christchurch 8244, New Zealand.