Sunday, January 23, 2022

An evening of Black Metal with Hooded Ghost on CACOPHONY...

 ~C A C O P H O N Y~

Christchurch's very own HEAVY METAL radio show on...

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Radio Addington 107.5FM, Friday & Monday at 10pm.

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This time on CACOPHONY the Lost Messiah gets all Black Metal and features Hooded Menace and Ghost Bath... (first bath for the LM this year!). We wade through the dark stinky depths with new releases from Wizardthrone, Moanhand, Stormruler, Seth, Zeolite, Ophidian I and Khandra. Some NZ Black Metal makes the show worth listening to and of course the LM says some words!

Hooded Menace [Finland] [Black] - The Tritonus Bell [2021]

Hooded Playlist

Khandra - All Occupied By Sole Death
Ophidian I - Diamonds
Oblivion Dawn [NZ] - The Echoes Of Oblivion
* Hooded Menace - Chime Diabolicus
* Hooded Menace - Those Who Absorb The Night
* Hooded Menace - Blood Ornaments
* Hooded Menace - The Torture Never Stops [WASP Cover]
Veneficium [NZ] - Mefetic Exhumations
Obscura - A Valediction
Zeolite - Indoctrinated
Sojouner - Perennial

Ghost Bath [USA] [Post Black] - Self Loather [2021]

Ghost Playlist

Seth - Le Triomphe de Lucifer
Draco Aerius [NZ] - Zealot
* Ghost Bath - Convince Me To Bleed
* Ghost Bath - A Crystal Lattice
* Ghost Bath - Sinew And Vein
* Ghost Bath - Unbearable
Sabbatic Goat [NZ] - Imprecation
Stormruler - Of Hollowed Souls And Distant Flames
Moanhand - Serpent Soul (A Tale Of Angels' Slaughter)
Haemorrhage [NZ] - Chopping Spree
Omat Makkarat [NZ] - Jack The Ripper
Wizardthrone - Frozen Winds Of Thyraxia

Gigs [All Gigs TBC]

Fri 25th Feb @ The Crown [Dunedin] - Southern Send II feat. Organectomy, Ayamvoid, Utilize the Remains, Vile Disembowelment & Distance. R18 GA $15

Fri 4th Mar @ TBA - 10th Annual Napier Death Metal Festival feat. Imperial Slave, Scorn of Creation, Saving Grace, Horrendous Disfigurement, Enboss, Refuse Resist, Terrorset, Knifed, Misanthopy & Insideous Wretch. R18 Orange Light Vax Pass Mandatory Tix from Jan 4th.

Sat 5th Mar @ TBA - 10th Annual Napier Death Metal Festival feat. Black Metal Sabbath, Organectomy, Carnal, Vixen Execution, Corpse Feast, Parasitic Infestation, Scolism, Metal Tower, Flay the Apostle & Rukus. R18 Orange Light Vax Pass Mandatory Tix from Jan 4th.

Sat 26th Mar @ The Loons [Lyttelton] - California 90's Tribute feat Tool, Rage Against he Machine & Stone Temple Pilots Tributes. R18 EB $26+bf & Door $35+bf

Sat 2nd Apr @ 12 Bar [Christchurch] - End Of Days Metal Festival feat. Kaosis (BOP), Unanything (DUN) Meshuggah Tribute, Untouchables (QTWN) Korn Tribute, Akumu & Etheran. R18 EB $10, GA $20 & Door $30


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sMail CACOPHONY, POBox33044, Barrington, Christchurch 8244, New Zealand.


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